Dato Latein
Ingresa a LATE y exporta a nuevos mercadosexcl. Bersetzung Spanisch-Deutsch fr datos im PONS Online-Wrterbuch nachschlagen. Pin On Cakes Si populneam habebis admisceto ut ulmeae satis siet. Dato latein . Do not hesitate to let us know about your comments and impressions. Consulta los ejemplos de traduccin de dato en las frases escucha la pronunciacin y aprende gramtica. By using our services you agree to our use of cookies. Registrarse Olvidaste tu contrasea. The Latin dictionary is available for free. Dato translation in Latin-English dictionary. Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs. Agros austeilen 2. Facebook gives people the power to share. Praedo praedas praedare A praedavi praedatum pillage despoil plunder ro. Cookies help us deliver our services. Revisa las traducciones de dato en espaol. Gratis Vokabeltrainer Verbtabellen Aussprachefunktion. A very valuable resource for students and specialists. Edo eda...